The garbled chatterings within may prove I have perfected the art of living in total chaos whilst surrounded by blissful tranquillity.

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Perseverance is prevailing.

Today was a spectacular success, in many ways. I'll probbly pay for it tomorrow, but hey, it was worth it. The final triumph was figuring out why some of my pics will load and some won't. Gradually, I'm getting there. Still have to sort out the enormity of my page tho. I'm sure it shouldn't be so huge LOL  I considered filling the right hand side with BIG pics, but it wouldn't happen :o/

I shall sleep with a smug grin on my face :o)


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Buon Gornio, Buon Giorno...!
No! No! Keep it HUGE.....!
Bigger is Better....!
It's 6:55, in the morning....l'm just going out on the Patio, with my lemon find a snail to talk to......saw one yesterday....
though, he was a bit 'sluggish'
They love my hostas.
But, l do love the least you can read it. Lovely...!
I do like things in my face.....Steady..!
Have a fun day.....must get on have a radio link to do...Ciao..Cioao. ;0*

thedinnerlady said...

And haven't the mornings been blissful! What a great weekend, hope you enjoyed. I love summer :o)

Find yer snail okay? LOL

We have to stay big at the moment, we know no other way !! LOL
