The garbled chatterings within may prove I have perfected the art of living in total chaos whilst surrounded by blissful tranquillity.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Arrggg !

My lovely new Blackberry won't work, I've got a polarising filter stuck on me favourite lens, and I've a dental appointment this afternoon.
Things'll look up soon !    LOL

Love TBB's expression in this pic ;o)



WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

You and your poor phone, perhaps, you should get Rasperry one....!
Blueberry's are a bit expensive...
And, their better for making jam.
Love it in Costa...Great....Good atmosphere...Good coffee too.
I may well be in their on Friday, about 9:30, if yer ya coffee....if l've saved up enough.!
Have fun.
Oh! lovely photo....why has the dawg, got such a red face..! He!

thedinnerlady said...

That's a very kind offer Willie, but I'm not allowed off the premises till lunchtime!

Enjoy your day ;o)
